Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Hear Wedding Bells!

So my cousin got married right before spring break and I figured this is a good opportunity to cover more event type photography.

It was a small civil service with a couple friends and family so it wasn't anything huge and there was so reception to worry about but there was the sun. The sun is your mortal enemy when shooting manual because you cant just keep shooting without looking at your preview screen every now and then. The day started out really cloudy so I figured it should be a little better for the people with no squinting but the weather never does what we want it to it does what it wants to.

The clouds cleared and the sun came out which makes for better background sky than grey. Since the sun came out i had to be a bit more diligent about checking to make sure the sun didn't peak its head out from behind a cloud and make the shot over exposed. For most of my shots my settings were at shutter 1/250, ISO 250 and f-stop at 4.5. This worked for pretty much all of my shots but there were a couple times I had to adjust a little in photoshop. There is no shame in adjusting a couple images in photoshop as long as you are not trying to adjust an image that is really really dark because it will come out grainy and the colors will be off because it wont have all the ranges of color that you would usually have.

Shot wise for weddings you do want to do a wide variety of shots like closeups and further away. Even if they don't want the close up printed you can use it in the back of a collage or in an album if you are photoshoping it. Like the image to the right, I love this image but it doesn't mean I would want an enlarged image of it so you can take it and do something like this:

The only thing you do have to watch out for when doing something like working a wedding is watch your f-stop because lenses will change the f-stop when you zoom in more than likely if you are working with a very low f-stop then your f-stop will go up a bit when you zoom in so just watch that because it will darken your images.

Last but not least I do not recommend shooting manual for a wedding because if you are going from inside to outside with the ceremony or reception you will have to adjust quickly and you might miss something. This wedding was an easy one for me since everything was in the same place but for a regular wedding I would recommend working in shutter preferred or aperture preferred. Which is probably what I will go over in my next post which will be on FRIDAY! 

Yes I am doing a second post this week because last week was spring break and I was busy with work and not being a typical college kid ;p So keep a lookout for the next post on friday :D

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